1970-1971 Yearbook

FRONT ROW: Garner, landrum, Estes. SECOND ROW: Sigmund, Dockery. TH IRD ROW: Ulrey Eubanks (sponsor). NAnONALHONOR GROU~ Pi Kappa Delta sponsors high school debate Promoting effective public speaking, Pi Kappa Delta offered membership to students with an extensive background in debate, discussion, and public speaking. In the fall , they sponsored a high school speech tournament on campus. Offering the student body a chance to sec a debate team in action. Pi Kappa Delta also hosted an exhibition debate in the spring. Primarily serving as an honorary accounting club, Pi Gamma Psi centered its meetings around the opportunities in public accounting. In the fall , the Alford Meroney Company of Dallas sponsored a joint meeting for Pi Gamma Psi and the American Studies program, offering jobs to some of ti,e students. A field trip to Little Rock businesses and their annual awards banquet highlighted the spring. G. Anderson, White, Milhollen. THIRD ROW: Kofahr, Burks (sponsor), Waller, Pickens. 167