YOUNG DEMOCRATS. FRONT ROW: Chisum. Johnson. SECOND ROW: McClain, Ferguson, Tarki ngton. THIRD ROW: DISCUSSING operations of the Searcy plant, SCOPE members consider the Keeter, Evans. SPECIAL INTERESTS SCOPE strives forinnprovennent of area problenns Education and action served as themes for the Studellt Commillee Opposed to Pollution in t/ze Environment. Hosting severa l movies open to the entire student body, SCOPE strived to make the ecology problem known, thus causing an interest in taking action. In the fall, members visited the Searcy water treatment facility and representatives visited the mayor of Searcy to discuss the area waste disposal problems. Welcoming in spring, SCOPE hosted a city-wide cleanup in Searcy. Taking part in the November elections, members of the Young Democrats participated in the campaign of Arkansas gubernatorial candidate Dale Bumpers. Their efforts were highlighted with the invitation of twenty-five Harding students to a campaign breakfast in his honor. In February, representatives attended the Young Democrats convention in Sl. Louis. 166 SCOPE. FRONT ROW: Hunt, Tipp;ns. SECOND ROW: Meeker, Roetzel, Johnston. THIRD ROW: Pack,