aul. fRONT ROW: lida , Cheng, Emaeyak, Merritt. SECOND ROW: Wan, Weiss, Nwokeh, Nakhleh. 1IIaey, Kendall·ball, Sohn, Kramar. FOURTH ROW: Soleyn, Jahshan, Reese, Awad. SPECIAL INTERESTS Bison Boosters give additional support to teams Primarily serving behind the scenes, the Bisoll Booslers filled the year with preparing the football field for games, providing money for the cheerleaders to buy gifts for the ba ll players, making banners, and giving moral and vocal support to the Bisons. The /1!Iemaliollal Club, existing to promote cooperation and understanding between American and foreign students. met together monthly for discussion and occasional guest speakers. Offering adventure and education to the outdoorsmen, the Spelunkers explored and observed such caves as the Blowing Cave in Cushman, Arkansas and the Ennis Cave in St. James, Arkansas. They held membership in the National Speleological Society. Promoting self-study among staff and faculty women, the Harding Business Womell took on the project of publishing a handbook to answer questions about office procedures and personnel benefits at Harding. They met together for a dinner meeting once a month to promote a closer association between all women employees. fRONT ROW: McMillien, Barton, Richmond, Bitting, Tippins, Carrell, Skelton, Burris. SECOND ROW: Nelle, Stricklin, Franklin, Cannon, Jorgensen, . THIRD ROW: Mott, Tyer, Pendergrast, Holderby, Webb, Roemer, Carothens, Wilson. FOURTH ROW: Ganus, Doggett, Massey, lowrey, Parks, Mitchell, Paden. FIFTH ROW: Reeves, Eastman, Tullos, Thompson, Kirk , Cook, Conley, Clark, Huey. 165