BOOSTING Darold Swayne, Dr. Smith proves as much a mountain climber as the members. HARDING BUSINESS WOMEN. FRONT ROW: Fly. Rowe. Browni ng. SECOND ROW: Pickens. Ebersole. Bell ROW: Harris, O'Banion, Mason. FOURTH ROW: Sexson, Hughes, Birdsall, Pace. SWEEPING and cleaninq the bleachers for the fir st home football qame, members of thE Boosters prepare a special section to sit together in and chee r the Bi sons on to , SPElUNKERS. FRONT ROW: Swayne, Barrington, R. Smith, M. Smith. SECOND ROW: Gray, Himelick. Walden , Matlack. THIRD ROW: Epperson, Worsham, C. Smith (~ Baines. Voyles. - • , j:;' Q - .,