SPEECH AND DRAMA GROUPS Debaters continue to dominate their major contests Continuing to dominate thei r tournament s, Harding' s Debate Team again won first place at Mi ss issi ppi State and Bradley Uni versi ty. They debated the subject " Resolved: the federal gove rnment should adopt a poli cy of compul sory wage and price cont ro l. " To offer the publi c a chance to view their deba ting, they held an exhibition debate on campus. "The Apple Tree," "Blithe Spirit." and "Becket" ranked among the majo r productions of the Call/plls Players. "The Apple Tree." an exc iting comedy by Mark Twain, reli ves the story of Adam and Eve. "Blithe Spir it," a comedy by Noel Cowa rd. deals with a mysteri ous occurance with the dead and their reappearing spirit s. The larges t producti on of the Call/plls Players, "Becket," by Anouilh J . Becket, tells the story of Henry VIII and hi s archbishop, Thomas Becket. Throughout the year, minor producti ons were staged in the smaU audit orium. EXCelLENT preparation is shown by debate members Bobby Dockery and Jimmy Sigmund they compore notes f rom their research while AI ice l andrum delivers her seQment of the DEBATE TEAM. FRONT ROW: Murray, Anderson . Dei diker, Smith. Landrum. SECOND ROW: Matheny. Garn er, Estes, Dockery. TH IRD ROW: Ulrey (sponsor), Goudeau , Sigmund , Eubanks (sponsor) . 160