PEP BAND. Rahrle, Shelton, Ganus, Luca s, Killgore, Richardson, Baggett. MUSIC GROUPS Instrumentation of Bison Band is larger and better Representing the largest and fullest instrumentation ever, the Bison Band be· gan the year by marching at halftime for all home football games. Immediately after football season, they reorgani zed and formed the concert band, preparing for their annual lectureship program. In February, representatives from the Bisoll Band were chosen to participate in the Arkansas Intercollegiate Band at Arkansas AM&N. After their annual spring tour and many local performances, they presented an informal outdoor concert on campus. Their final concert was held in May. Primarily functioning as an auxilary group, the Stage Balld presented several campus performances and added more variety 10 the over-all band program while they were on tour. Under the able leadership of Cliff Ganus III. the Pep Balld continued 10 arouse school spirit at all the pep rallies and sports events.