ENSEMBLE. Marlin, Mannen. Ganus. Mickey, Gr;ffith. Strawn, Lasater. Bagnetto, Catterton. !\dams, lIIIiIIBILE.. FRONT ROW: Stidham. Williams. Whittington . SECOND ROW: K. DavIs, C. Davis, Smith, MayMUSIC GROUPS Chamber Singers and Chorale visit a tri-state area Beginning their year with a performance on High School Day. the Chorale made further preparation for their first major performance at the annual fall lectureship. In early January they traveled and sang in Northwest Arkansas. Their major tour in March took them to Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska. The Chamber Singers, composed or Chorale members, toured Western Arkansas singing folk and pop songs. The Chorale offered membership to anyone interested in singing and the Challlber Singers auditioned after the formation of the Chorale. Taping both programs for Wot>ld Radio and cassettes for small European villages without churches became the primary pro· jccts of the Recording Chorl/s. They recorded in German for the people of Germany and Austria. The Men 's and WOlllen·s Ellselllbies of the A Cappella Chorus gave a perrormance at the lecture· ship and performed each night while the Chorus was on tollr. 157