to 0 speoker from the Harding Graduate School of Reliqion , members of the Timothy his messaqe in relation to their plans to become preachers of God '<; Word . CONSISTING of students from mission areas , a panel answers Questions for Mission Study. STUDY. FRONT ROW: Rivoire , Grove , Bitting . Mt Gruder, Taggart, Morrow. Browning, Leckl iter. Abney. SECOND ROW: Nelle, Imhoff, Lawrence. Newberry. Gray. Me· James. Miller. THIRD ROW: Paden, Newton, Underwood . Timmerman. Weiss. Collins. Majors. Crawford . Naron. J. Nadeau, Rawdon. FOURTH ROW : Hays (sponsor), Davis, Albe n. Adams. Confer, Brown. Matheny, Reese , Walden. FIFTH ROW: E. Huffard (sponsor) . Allen Guthery, Luke, O'Neil, Corum. McReynolds . M. Nadeau, Hammond, HendriK 153