RELIGIOUS GROUPS ¥isits to nursing made byLes de Christe teaching materials for overrepairing songbooks, and teaching ~alu",ay Bible Hour were just a few service projects sponsored by Les de Christe. In addition, a group the nursing home every Thursday read the Bible, and offer ~~':~ ':?,~·~~~~·the bi-weekly meetings of Timothy Club were various teachers preac~ers spea~: ing on practical probconfronting today's student of the A trip to the Harding Graduate of Religion was made in the spring. the Mission Workshop at Christian College were over hund red Harding students, sponsored Missioll Study. During the year, they letters to missionaries and hosted at their meetings. o nursinq home with les Bonnes de Sue Rompton offers a helping hand. TIMOTHY CLUB. FRONT ROW: Collins, B,own. T:mmerman . SECOND ROW: Weiss, Confer, Adams. Azbell. ROW: Hays (spJnsor) Matheny, Davis, Reese. FOURTH ROW: Guthery, Luke, Corum. Huffard. Hammond lES BONNES de CHRIST£. fRONT ROW: Adams, Bitting, Grove, Rlvo ;re, Spillman. SECOND ROW: Newbeny Burney, Knupp, Browning, McMillien. THIRO ROW: Nelle, Bost , Cheek, Stalling, Riffle. FOURTH ROW' Banta. Paden . Newlon, Foresee , Fambro. FIFTH ROW: Dempsey, Cla rk. Danley. Huey. Arnold ,