the latest Bison, Dr. Neil Cope , considers ideas for a finer po per. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Bison begins new feature column of varied interests Striving to keep up with the times and interest college readers, the Bisoll added two new regular features. The first was the "Fifth Column" by Mike Justus. His column covered everything from flashlight football to freedom of speech. Another new item of interest was the "Book Review" by Marcia Hays. Her reviews covered topics relevant to college students. Since it was a year of the national elections, the Bisoll included articles of political interest. The primary local issue was the Arkansas gubernatorial election. Students held interviews with Dale Bumpers and Anne Bartley. Rockefeller's stepdaughter, who were campaigning on campus. Following the elections, report s were made concerning the Harding mock election. ADDRESSING, folding, and stapling the Bison for another mailout to dozens of expecting reoders, David Soin fulfi ll s one of severo l tosks he performs as Bi son Business Manager 151