IfOIISOR Dr. Joseph E. Pryor. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 1971 Petit Jean receives new type style and format Stepping 0111 in new directions. Editor Layton McCown began work on the 1971 Petit Jean with a new three-column format. This new approach all owed a better usage of the space and gave the book a whole new appearance. Using the new format more effectively. additional color was added. with more full-color pages. After retaining the same kind of type for over ten years. the 1971 Petit Jeall received a new style. A new headline type was also chosen. After sweeping every division of yearbook publication for the 1970 Petit Jeall at the ACPA convention in Conway. representatives accepted the Petit Jeall's eleventh consecutive "AII American" award. First place in photography, ed itorial planning. editoria l content. and typography and layout combined to give the Petit Jeall the number one ACPA rating of general excellence. SWEEPING first place in all areas of yearbook production at the ACPA convention in Conway, layton McCown accepts the highest award of general excellence on behalf of the 1970 staff . 149