STUDENT GOVERNMENT SA committees improve the social and academic life Launching Ollt in new directions this year, the Studelll Association began research and planning for a system of faculty and curriculum evaluation which would involve student participation. Through the newly created Social Affairs Committee, students at Harding enjoyed an increased number of weekend coffee houses featuring musical entertainment. Traditional activities of the SA included the watermelon party, the annual Homecoming festivities, weekend movies, and the nominations for Who's Who. For the first time, a Student Book Exchange was sponsored. Oklahoma Christian College was the scene of this year's annual Christian College Leadership Conference. The theme "Campus As A Community" was the subject of discussions and speeches enjoyed by Harding's delegation of representatives. SA OFFICERS. Fincher, Green, Dockery, Smith. BEGINNI NG on annual event, the SA sponsors the student book exchonQe in which students ore able to brinq their old books to be sold or to come and buy used ones brought in by others. 144 CONSI DERING the possibilities of Wayne Dockery's new idea is David