Wayne Dockery Debbie Ganus Carol Timmerman Adams .. Fr~nch major. Alpha Chi. WHC president, Chorole, A Coppella, le s Bonnes de Chrisle, le Cercle Francais. Grace Stroupe Brewer ... Elementory Education mojor, SNEA, Gata president, dorm council , Chorale , Big Sister. Russ Burcham . . Pre-medical General Science major, Sub T, Band, Chorale, Mad rigals, German com· paign, int ramurals, Alpha Chi. Carol Byrd - - . Vocational Home Economics major, Regina, AHEA , Not ional Home Economics Associalion, SNEA. Vonc. Cox Pre-denIal General Science major, Chi Sigma Alpha, inlercollegia te track and footbal l. Bobby Docke ry Sociol Science major, debate, KHCA Stoff, Alpha Chi. Wayne Dockery .. Speech Jim Fly Chris Greene and History major, SA president, SA treasurer 196970 , Beta Phi Kappa , debate , KHCA Staff, Chorale, Madrigals, Pi Kappa Delta. Jim Fly . Psychology. Sociology ma jor, Drum Mojor 1969, Chorale, OCAPA, SMENC. Phi Gamma Delta. Alpha Chi. Pat Garn.r . Speech and Bible major, Pioneer, Mission Studies, German campaign, Chorale, debate. oratory. Debbie Ganus . . Malh mojar. A Cappella, Bison Assis tant Editor. Big Sisler. Band. intramurals, P.tit Jean Section Editor, Kappa Kappa Kappa. Chris Greene . Music and Bible major, sophomore SA representa live, Knights, Della Chi club bea u, opera , freshman and sophomore class favorite. A Ca ppello, Chorole. 135