DENNIS SMILEY, Grandview, Mo. Speech. Transfer from Southwest Missouri State College. Bison Staff 4; KHCA Staff 2,3,4; Kappa Sigma Kappa 3,4. BRUCE SMITH, Winnsboro, Tex. Chemistry. Who's Who 4; A Cappella Chorus 1,2,3; Bison Staff 1,2; Wing Counselor 3.4; Timothy Club 2; TNT 1,2,3,4. CAROL DIANE SMITH, Ponca City, Okl• . Elementa", Education. SNEA 4; Ko Jo Kai 1,2,3,4, Vice· Pres. 3. DON RICHARD SMITH, Corn ing, Ark. Art. Who's Who 4; A Cappella Chorus 1,2,3,4; Belles & Beaux 4; Bison Band 1,2,3; Guild 1.2,3,4; Kappa Pi 3,4: Men's En· semble 1,2,3,4; Student Association 2; Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2.3,4, Pres. 4; Kappa Phi Beau 2. KAY LORRAINNE SMITH, Benton, Ark, Social Science. Who's Who 4; American Studies 4; Big Sisters 1,2,3,4; SNEA 1.2.3,4; Student Association 3,4; Kappa Phi 1.2.3,4. Vice·Pres. 1,2, Pres. 2.3; Intramurals 1,2.3,4. SUZANNE SPURRIER, Zanesville, Ohio. Elementary Education. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Dactylo· logy 2; SNEA 3,4; Omega Phi 3,4. ANN STARLING, Stephenvi lle, Tex. Elementary Edu· cation. Transfer from Fort Worth Christian College. Chorale 2,4; SNEA 3,4; Regina 2.3,4, Sec. 3. ROBERT D. STEED, JR., Homeworth , Ohio. Bible. Trans· fer from Tri·State College. KHCA Staff 3,4. VIRGINIA STEWART, Pensacola, Fla. Elementary Edu· cation. Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's list 1,2.3,4; SNEA 3,4; Dorm Council 3; Kappa Delta 1,2.3,4, Pres. 2. BRUCE STIDHAM, Alexand ria, Va. Political Science. Who's Who 3.4; A Cappella Chorus 1.2.3,4; Belles & Beaux 1,2,3.4; Student Association 3.4; Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3.4; Theta Psi Beau 2,3,4. ROBERT C. STIGER, Metairie, La. Business Administra· tion. Alpha Tau Epsilon 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. DAVID L. STITCHER, Cave City, Ar k. Bible and Bio· logy. Transfer from San Bernadino Valley College. TNT 2.3.4; Dactylology 2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3.4. MARY STITES, Newport, Ark. English. Alpha Chi 3,4; Who's Who 4; American Studies 3.4; Bison Staff 4; Petit Jean Staff 2,3; SNEA 2; WHC 1,2,3. HAntE LAVENDER STOLTZFUS, Lowvi lle, N. Y. Political Science and French. Debate Team 2,3; French Club 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; Iota Sigma 4; KHCA Staff 3,4; Pi Kappa Delta 3.4; S. A. 2.3,4; Young Republicans 1; Omega Phi 1,2.3,4; Intramurals KATHY STRAWN, E. Palestine, Oh io. Speech Therapy. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Alpha Chi 4; A Cappella Chorus 3.4; 1u Go Ju 3,4. ALICE SULLIVAN, Portland, Ore. Psychology. Transfer from Columbia Christian College . Dactylology 2; Mu Eta Adelphian 2.3,4. Sec. 3, Pres. 4. SENIORS Watermelon party provides initial chance to mingle AS exemplified by Will McFarland and Lore Short, students enjoy the watermelon perty. 98