1969-1970 Yearbook

EVENTS OF WINTER Dormitory activities enlivened by interaction of personalities Dorm life, the real core of a college education, made all unpleasantries fade. The interacting of personality versus personality, overcoming the first pangs of homesickness, understanding of human behavior, observation of spiritual development and realization of what fri endship really means brought dormitory residents to an awareness of their mi ssions and goals . At times studying was overshadowed by TV viewing, card playing and games, but even hitting the books was an experience unparalleled outside dorm living. The intra-dorm exchange of culture, knowledge. tastes - maybe even clothes - was a bonus in the semesters of living in such a situation. HOUSEHOLD chores, such as washinq or ironing, are often time· consuming, but very necessary aspects of colleqe dorm life. ';;;';',. . '--.----, I M COM BIN ING keeping up with current events and sitting under her hair dryer, a necessary evil, this coed reads her paper. TElEV ISION view ing provi des Pom Flinn with on escape from the ord ina ry routines and offe rs her a period of rel axation. 69