1969-1970 Yearbook

EVENTS OF AUTUMN Daily routine of college living overcomes earlier excitement Soon the linear experience of registration and the excitement of the first few days of a new school year gave way to the daily routine of classes . Thoughts of the previous summer's experiences became just pleasant memories as the student faced the tasks ahead. Daily chapel, a fact of life at Harding, became an experience that sometimes lacked variety, but gave each day deeper meaning. The pressing assignments of the semester actually forced students to spend some of their spare time studying in the library, although it seldom was overused until a term assignment came due or a test was imminent. Pledge week, dreaded by those who would pledge a club and anticipated eagerly by those who would have servants for a week, came and passed, leaving all none the worse for wear. Students began to look forward to Homecoming, one of the big events of the fall semester. . .. ...... 60 PONDERING the shape of things to come, senior l arry Olsen imagines a completed work of art emerging from this Jump of clay_ RAIN comes often to the compus in early autumn, bringing with it on odd profusion of umbrellas and other wet-weather gear.