COMMUNICATIVE procedures a re practiced by David Vaughn during his radio broadcast ove r the co llege a ffi liated station. HUMANITIES Little Theater sees completion heightening audience interest Students and fa culty members from the human iti es d ivision had a busy yea r and began prepa ration for their work early by taking full adva ntage of the summer month s. Larry M enefee and Linda Schmidt direc ted Harding' s first Drama Workshop with four ma jor product ion s. W i th th e completion of construction on the Little Theater, th e speech department was able to portray a "more intimate type of th eater, where the audience is sea ted closer to the ac tors," as was noted by depa rtment chairman Dr. Evan Ulrey. "The T or chbea rer s," the first ma jor production of the 1969-70 season , was held there. Dr. "Va ldo W . Braden, chairman of the speech department at Loui siana Sta te Uni ve rsity deliver ed an address at a luncheon to English , speech and journali sm students and fa culty, entitled_ "S timulating the Cr ea ti ve Impulse." 50 SPEECH laboratory enables Dione McKinney to profit from mistakes and ma ke needed corrections in structure and style.