1969-1970 Yearbook

JUNIOR HIGH Junior high students discover sweet reward of achievement The halls of the Academy were brightened this year by the eager young faces of the junior high students. With their undying energy they supported not only their own activities but all the events of the senior hig-h as well. The Junior Key Club awarded a fifty dollar work scholarship to the boy who participated in the most extracurricular work activities. This year's recipient was David Tucker. Last summer the junior cheerleaders, along- with the seniors, attended the cheerleading- clinic at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. Both groups won trophies, with the juniors taking- two first places and three second places. The seniors also won the "spirit stick," awarded to the group hav ing the most spirit throughout the contest. SEVENTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: C. Davis, Oldham, Prock, 1. Dan iel, Wallace, Posey. SECOND ROW: Moyer, Woodruff, White, Ellmore, Coker, Bales. THIRD ROW: Burkett, Curry, Walker, Rogers, Tetreau, Martin. lawyer, Campbell. FOURTH ROW: Welch (sponsor), G. Daniel, Webb. Coward. Angel , Harris. Alston, Groves. FIFTH ROW: Barden (sponsor), Winter, Strayhorn, Roberts, Williams, Glen, Hankins. EIGHTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: Bullard, Ellmore, Hacker, Wright. Vinson, Wilson, Ozbirn, Pullara, Loftin. SECOND ROW: Elliott (sponsor). Woody, Brown, Winter, Miller, Pryor, Sexson, Showalter, Brotherton, Taylor, Beavers. 302