1969-1970 Yearbook

TRAINING di li gen tl y under the watchfu l eye of Coach Borden ore John Vines, Stephen Tucker, Alec Petway, and Tim Hocke r. TRACK Well-rounded track program develops full Wildcat strength HEAVING the discus with determination is senior David Lasley in on event which separates success or failure with inches. WILDCAT TRACK. FRONT ROW: Coach Martin, Alston, Woody, Kellar, Davis, Vanwinkle, Sexon, Hacker, Coach Barden. SECOND ROW: Groves. Gunkel, Ganus, Tucker. Muncy, Petway, Duran, lasley. TOP ROW: Caudle, Beck, Wh ite, Showalter, Vines. Ba ines, Wh itworth. Farrar. 295