JUNJOR FOOTBALL ruM. FRONT ROW: Farrar (66), Bixler (61), Prock (51), Wallace (45), Bullard (11). Strayhorn (44). Williams R. (84) , Williams B. (30). SECONO ROW: Coach Barden, Tucker (10), Pullara (54), Oaniels (35), Brotherton (33) , Showalter (60), Loftin (25), Plyor (50), Brown , Mgr. THIRD ROW: Coach Elliott, Kiihnl (87), Harris (12), Baggett (40), Morris (22), Bales (71), Moore (75), Williams S. (81), Coach Martin. DRAGGING a Cotton Plont tackler with him, Kenny Harris fights for a few precious yards on determination and second effort . JUNIOR FOOTBALL Junior Wildcats use size and ability to roll over opponents The Junior Wildcats used their size and their ability to throw the important pass in rolling over four of their five opponents. Under the able leadership of th e new Junior High Coach, David Elliott, the Junior Cats scored impressive wins over Morris and Cotton Plant, and Beedeville was beaten twi ce. A close loss to Heber Springs marred a perfect season. Eleven ninth-graders played in their last Junior High footba ll game . They were Robert Baggett, David Tucker, Kenny Harris, M ike Kiihnl, David Morris, Steve vVilliams, Ronnie Moore, Jonathan Bales, Mark Bixler, Bob McArthur, Ralph vVi ll iams, and David Farrar. Hard ing 30 48 37 6 50 SCHEDULE Beedeville Beedeville Morri s Heber Sprin!=js Cotton Plant Opponent 6 24 14 12 0 291