1969-1970 Yearbook

1969 FOOTBAll TEAM. FRONT ROW: Tucker (10), Beck (80) , Hacker (20), Kellar (55), s. Davis (25) , Vanwinkle (21), Woody (86), s. Sexon (83), Milton, Mgr. S~CONO ROW: Coach Barden, Daniel (60), Muncy (50), Campbell (62), Searcy (70) , Ganus (24), Alston (50), l. Davis (64 ), J. Sexon (74) , Grooves, Mgr. THIRD ROW: Coach Martin, Bixler (65), Duran (72), Gunkel (71), Rhodes (81), Baines (88), Ramsev (32) , Petway (22), Leasure (63), Caude l (73). FOOTBALL Tremendous desire for victory wins District 2- B for Wildcats Bill Ba rd en, ill hi s first yea r as head coach , guid ed the 1969 WiLdca ts to th e 2-13 di stri ct championship . From a di smal start to a blaz ing finish was th e story of th e Cats thi s year . The Wildcats b ega n the yea r by los ing one g ame, winning one. and los ing anoth er. The team th en put it all toge th er and won th e next fiv e stra ight. including everyone of th eir di stri ct foes. The vVildca ts's only defea ts came by the hands of cl ass A schools, al - though all played were larger th an Harding. The offensive and defensive lines we re coached by Wilt Martin, and four of the seven all -district playerlt we re linemen . Coach Ba rden and Martin installed a new di versifi ed offense thi s yea r , and the monster defense y ielded points grudgingly. Seni or leadership played a bi g part in the Cats wi nning season . Alec Petway ga ined ove r 1,100 yards and four seni or s made the all-di stri ct team . All-di stri ct sel ections were made by the coach es from th e 2-B school s. Seven Academy students made th e di stri ct team: they we re Alec Petway, Larry Davis, Johnny Ba ines, Ton y Duran. Tim Ramsey, David Campbell, Stephen Tucker . 288 DRIVING for a victory, senior Alec Petway gai ns a few more of his many yards on route to another important W ildcat TO.