1969-1970 Yearbook

Club Beau Din Daniel Club Beau Philip Showalter KAT Record membership in KAT's provides for a successful year The old members of Kappa Alpha Theta commenced their yearly activities with the acceptance of ten new pledges. The informal initiation rite was a humiliating experience for the girls who were required, among other things, to recite nursery rhymes at the steps of the Administration Building and chant the club song in the depths of the lily pond. Formal initiation was held at the home of Georgia Merritt. Admittance of these new members increased club enrollment to twenty. Under the guidance of their sponsor, Mrs. Elsie Lynn, the KAT's once again undertook the project of providing clothes and gifts for a child at the Conway Children's Colony. Many of the gifts were given by teachers and students of the Academy. KATS. TOP ROW: Mrs. lynn (sponsor), Beck. Suey, Campbell. SECOND ROW: Farrar, Hays, Howard. P. Martin. THIRD ROW: S. Martin. McDaniel. Merritt, Milton. FOURTH ROW: Pullara, Sheppard, Tant, Vines. FlnH ROW: C. Watts, N. Watts, Woodluff, Wright. 279