1969-1970 Yearbook

JUNIOR CIVITANS. FRONT ROW: S. WaHs, Hensley, Tillman, Thompson, Woody, Vau ghn , Bullard , C. Watts, Ulrey, Cleve land. SECOND ROW: Ca lvert. Jones, Spradlin, Groover, P. Martin, Roark, Reynold s, Hiatt. Mi lton, Helsten, BUSY is the only way to descr ibe the Junior Civi tans, as they pain t the snack room for one of their se rvice pro ject s. SR. KEY CLUB. FRONT ROW: Baines, Leasure, Sexson, Muncy, Tucker, Daniel, Petway. SECOND ROW: Cu rt iss. Beck , Campbell, Ramsey, Davis, Showalter, Sewell. THIRD ROW: McCarty, Dura n, Ganus, Pai ne, Gree n, Yingling, Alston, Ea rp. 276 Jolly, S. Martin, Barnett. THIRD ROW: Pryor, Baggett, Crossino, Tlri. Winters, Prock. Cranston , Vines, Webb, Hays, Woodruff, Miss Brownill (sponsor) . SERVICE CLUBS Science fair and outings head activities of 1969 science club With the addition of Randall Brannon to the Academy science faculty, the Science Club gained rejuvenation , Twenty-four students comprised the membership. During the year many field trips were made to local and ar ea places of interest such as Bluff Hole and Wyldewood. Most of the memo bers participated in the spring science fair. This was another busy year for members of the Key Club whose first fund-raising project was selling home fire extinguishers. The club treasury gained funds from money collected through dirty lockers and lost book fines . The Junior Civitans provided a badly needed service this year by raising money to paint the new snack room. The girls also saved the school extra expense by performing the job themselves.