1969-1970 Yearbook

MUSIC GROUPS Musical talent and dedication contribute to successful tours Membership in the A Cappella chorus again exceeded fifty with participation divided among sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Under the direction of Ray Wright, the traveling chorus, a selected group of about forty members, took a four day fall trip to Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. The chorus sang in three churches and one school giving inspirational programs to the large audiences . A longer trip in the spring took the chorus to Oklahoma and northern Texas. Other activities of the group included participation in a district festival at Little Rock, a state festival at Hot Springs and performances for civic groups in Searcy and the surrounding area. SENIOR CHORUS. FRONT ROW: Inscore, Bu llard, S. Watts, Farrar, Merritt, Sheppard, Woods, Barnett, Ulrey, Wilkerson . SECOND ROW: Hays, Spradlin, Groover, Cleveland, Hensley. Formby, Pierce, Tillman, Calvert. K. Woody, THIRD ROW: Pryor, Tant, Wright, Jones, Cook, Crosskno Fassler, Baggett, TRYING to accurately sightread new music is the Senior Chorus while working dil igently in preparing for the fall chorus trip. 274 EMPHATICALLY picking out notes to melody of new pieces is Mr. Wright Webb, Buey. Woodruff. FOURTH ROW: Bixler, Hacker, L. Davis, J. Petway, Tucker, Muncy, Campbell, Burroughs, Alston , Paine, Kellar, S. FIFTH ROW: W. Woody, S. Sexson, Ely, Daniel, Sewell, l easure, Rhodes, Green, Ba ines, Curtis, Ganus, Showalter, Beck.