1969-1970 Yearbook

PUBLICATIONS Academy Petit Jean, Wildcat staffs record student activities The 1969-70 Petit Jean Acad emy sta ff worked long and hard to prov ide for the stud ents a composite record of a memor a ble year . With edi tor Rosemary Bagge tt leadin g the voluntee rs, th e sta ff devoted many enj oyable hours to writing and r ewriting co py, typing and proofreading. David Campbell, th e ass istant ed itor , tra in ed for the job of producing the 1971 Petit Jean. Working eq ually as hard as the annua l corps were the staff members of the 1969-70 W ildcat . Publ ished four times a yea r, th e school newspa per recorded news of interes t to th e Academy students and provided opportuni ty for joum alisti c cr eat ivity. Editor Rachel Formby and h er assis ta nt Mar c Muncy combined fo rces to rally th ei r sta ff towa rd a refl ecti ve tabloid of Academy events. Miss Ruth Browning, faculty sponsor , gave much help and advice to the editors of both publications. STAFF. FRONT ROW: Webb, Pryor. SECOND ROW: Ulrey, Fossler, TH IRD ROW: Showalter, Jones. Muncy. PETIT JEAN STAFF. FRONT ROW: Hia tt, Ul rey, Cleveland, Pryo r. SECOND ROW: L. Campbell, Ganus, Tucker, O. Campbell, Fassle r, Woodruff. ALWAYS willing to help of anytime , Mi ss Browning gives ass istonce to Academy ed itors Rosemary Baggett and Rochel Formby. 273