SENIOR BETA CLUB. FIRST ROW: Sheppard, Woodruff. Formby, Groover, Hays, Winter, M. Farrar, Helsten, Buey, Wr ight, Muncy, Hacker, Prock, Webb, Martin, Ritchie (sponsor). THIRD ROW: P. Rhodes, Ganus, Al ston, Burroughs, Ely. BETA CLUB Record membership enriches program of Senior Beta Club The Harding Academy Chapter of the Beta Club is an organization that encourages each student to apply himself to his utmost ability. In order to be- 'come a member of the Beta Club, a student must maintain a "90" average or above for two consecutive six-week periods. This year the Beta Club had a record membership of thirty-six students . Buying a frame for the senior composite to be hung in the hall of the school building and a club breakfast in May to honor the seniors and to elect officers for the coming year were among the club's projects. Mrs. Andy T. Ritchie is the sponsor. Each year the Beta Club honors the high school boy and girl that have maintained the highest grade point throughout the year. This year's honor students are Sarah Hays and Paul Farrar. Sarah maintained an excellent average of 98.8 and Paul's average was 96.8. Honor Student Paul Farrar 272