1969-1970 Yearbook

IlUDENT COUNCIL FRONT ROW: Bixler, Hacker, Calvert, Formby, Cleveland, lluett. Kiihnl, Morris. SECOND ROW: Tucker, Petway, Jones. Wright, Cook, llltUs, Davis. Not Pictured: Johnny Baines. HONORS Sub-Deb Spirit Award winner exemplifies Academy's ideals Because he exemplifies the spirit and idea ls of Harding Academy, Johnny Wright Baines has been chosen by the Sub-Deb social club as the recipient of the 1969 Sub-Deb Spirit Award. Throughout his twelve years at the Academy. Johnny has shown a willingness to work and a competiti ve spirit in all aspects of school life. He represents the best of Harding Academy, because he has given the best of himself. The Sub-Debs of Harding Academy chose Johnny as one of the beaux for the 1969-70 school year. He was selected because of his outging personality and courtesy. Throughout the year he has always been ready to give cheerful assistance. In the field of sports his exceptional ability and extra hard work have made him a valuable asset to the Academy spor ts program. He has participated in team athletics since elementary school. He has been a starter in basketball and football for the past two years. As a junior he received the Hustler Award, which the coaches and team present to the player who exh ibits the spirit of a winner even in defeat. He was also an energet ic track man in junior and senior high. In academic life h e serves the school and community as president of the Key Club. Johnny was also honored by Academy students as the favorite of his sophomore and senior class. 269