PERRYS. MASON , MA, LLO, Superintendent J. E. BERRYHILL, MA, portrayed an important role in Academy life. His kind manner and efficient counseling comforted many confused students in arranging their schedules . Mr. Berryhill, • familiar sight behind the concession stand, also taught driver education, Old Testament Bible, and American History. In his position as registrar, he was kept busy as a record 320 students enrolled at the beginning o~ the fall semester. Always con - centrating on improving the curriculum, ne will be even busier next year as the Academy will introduce two new subjects. economics and journalism. BILL DILES, MA, Pri ncipal ADMINISTRATION Goals of leadership and unity are set by members of faculty PERRY S. MASON, BA, MA, LLD, now in his 23rd yea r as Superintendent of Harding Academy. is trying to promote the theme, "What's Good About America." He speaks to high school s all over the state of Arkansas. Loyalty to church, school , state and country are the main points of empha sis in his speeches. Dr. Mason is working to establish 19 private schools, cleven of which are Christian, across the United States. He is chai rman of the Ameri ca n Legion Departmen l of Americanism and is on the National Americanism Committee. In spite of hi s busy sch edu le. Dr. Mason sti ll finds time to make weekly ta lks to the student body at Harding Academy chapel assemblies. J. E. BERRYHill, MA, Registrar BILL DILES, MA, teacher of Bible, typing and shorthand, is in his third yea r as principal. Coardinating the Academy chapter of Future Business Leaders of America , h e kee ps students interested in business abreast of current trends in the business world. Although much of his time is spent in th e classroom, he devotes many hours to hi s adminst.rative duties. He is an enthu sias ti c supporter of athletics and can always make time to attend all Academy sports activities and se l'Ve as team sta ti stician. His contagious smile warms the h earts of students and faculty member s a like. 267