I Seniors dedicate '70 Petit Jean to "Professorll Danny Coston Since joining the Academy faculty in 1967. Danny Coston has won the confidence of students and teachers alike. Whenever someone is in need of his help, whether it be a cheerleader needing his advice to make a sign or a member of the cross· country team needing his coaching instructions, he is always willing to offer his time and assistance. "Professor Maynard," as he is often called, won the respect of each student thr011gh his easy·going manner. One student commented, " I never dreaded going to art class, in fact I looked forward to it, because I knew that I would be taught something useful in an interesting way." We, the senior class of 1970, gladly dedicate our portion of the 1970 Petit Jean to you, Coach Danny Coston for helping us to appreciate all things. especially the value of life. 266 "'"--........ \