INTRAMURALS Large participation is shown in intramural sports program Intramural sports at Harding have become very popular with students who wish to keep in shape. The program permits frustrated young persons to release tensions on the athletic field or in the gym. Acceptance of this idea is illustrated by the Jarge number of students who participate. Virtually everyone watches the contests, and approximately 75 percent of the student body takes active part. The sports act ivities are diversified with 35 events for individuals and teams ranging from tennis. badminton, archery and sit-ups to ragtag football, basketball, softba ll and volleyball . Students have an opportunity to win trophies for the events they enter. Each spring an award is presented to the outstanding intramural athlete. Ceci l Beck ann Barbara Barnes direct the intramurals. Mr. Beck is in hi s seventeenth year and Mrs. Barnes is in her fourth year. With this leadership Ihe ll arding intramural progl'ams maintain one of the nation's most highly acclaimed systems. COCKED to pass is intramural quarterback Ron Copeland while Richard Hilton is rushing in an attempt to grab his flag. 260 ' .. r-;~- • •