1'IlI"15 ruM: FRONT ROW: Rusly Barcl,y. R,ndy Drewett. R,y Kelley. Dun Bawcom, l ynn Dixon. SECOND ROW: Dick Travis, Bill McKechnie, Ron Ale tennis singles champion Freddie Marsh strokes a backhand volley deep in his court during a match in the Searcy Open. Parker, Fredd ie Marsh, Glen Blue, Mike Sadler, Cordell Battles. TENNIS Tennis team wins conference title for third consecutive year Under the coaching of Bob Knight the 1969 tennis team continued it's winning tradition by grabbing the AlC title for the third straight year. The Harding team reigned undefeated in AlC play. Winning the conference tournament by a score of 28 out of 29 possible points, the netters were chosen to represent the district in the NAlA tournament in Kansas City. The team emerged eighteenth in the nation and entered only three men in the tournament. Freddie Marsh won the AlC singles champion- ~hip by defeating teammates David Elliott and Dean Bawcom in the final two rounds. Marsh and Lynn Dixon were second in doubles play. Four of the five top men returned for the 1970 season. The only position vacated was the number two spot which was filled last year by senior David Elliott. Elliott received the AlC Scholar Athlete Award for the 1969 season. 259