1969-1970 Yearbook

EDDIE R. CAMPBEll, MAT DEAN OF MEN Campbell receives promotion, is appointed counselor of men EDDIE R. CAMPBELL, Admissions Counselor since 1963. is Harding's new Dean of Men. After receiving the MAT from Harding, he taught at Georgia Christian College before returning to Searcy. As Assistant Director of Admissions, he worked with the financial aids aspect of the program. His responsibilities included planning Senior Day, High School Day and the Youth Forum. Serving as sponsor for the Men's Dorm CounciL he is also on the Student Affairs Committee. He is a member of the American Association of Col - legiate Registrars and Adm issions Officers and the Association of College Admissions Counselors. For the past year he has been developing a directory listing the churches of Christ in Arkansas. 24 BILLY RAY COX, MBA, CPA, TDA PRESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT Cox travels throughout state in presenting series of lectures BILLY RAY COX, Assistant to the President, not only traveled extensively in his leading role in Phase II of the Capital Campaign for Harding but also gave a series of management and professional development lectures for the University of Arkan· sas in cities throughout the state. Mr. Cox's duties on campus included being faculty advisor for the executive business team and associate professor of business administration. As director of the American Studies Program, he planned the group's tours to Dallas and Chicago. Dur ing the football season. he act ively supported the Bison team by announcing all home games at Alumni Field. In October, Mr. and Mrs. Cox became the parents of all adopted baby girl.