1969-1970 Yearbook

CONCENTRATION is evident as trackster Rick Harris pauses with the word "set" in the AIC meet at little Rock 's Scott Field, LEADING the field once again in the AIC meet, Jim Crawford demonstrates the form that has gained him national recognition. Dale March 15 March 22 March 28·29 April 3 April 4 April 11·12 April 19 April 23 April 26 May 3 May 16· 17 (AIC) 1969 RESULTS Teams Harding SCA A&M Hendrix SSC Harding Ozarks Memphis Relays Tiger Relays SSC OBU SCA Tech HSC Harding Hendrix Tech Relays Tech SCA Philander Harding AM & N Hendrix Texas Relays Tech Harding HSC SE Ma. Slate Memphis State Harding Harding HSC Hendrix Harding Tech Ozarks SCA SSC Harding OBU Tech HSC A&M Hendrix Score 71 56 33 27 105 '/, 58'/' 16 81 68 41 40 32 17 16 83 76 41 30 25 17 81 56 45 110 50 21 91 57 11 83 78'/' 25'/, 73 62'/' 36 34'/, 27 26'/, 20 ,/, 8 257