1969-1970 Yearbook

TRACK Abundance of distance men pace tracksters in area meets The 1969 H a rdin g track team began the season boasting of numerous distance runners but lacking in sprinters. Jim Crawford, Tim Geary, Dick Shenfeld and Rick Harris paced the runners in the various area meets. Jim Crawford. who has received national honors, recorded a first and two seconds in three of the country's biggest spring track meets. He ran in the Texas, Drake, and Kansas relays. Tim Geary. a freshman from Merced, California , added depth to the Bison's efforts. In indoor track this yea r Jim Duncan. AllAmerican tackle in football and shot putter for the track and field team. placed fifth in the NAIA National Indoor Track meet. His toss was 52 feet, 10 y:! inches. In April, 1969, Ted Lloyd, coach of the track team, accepted a one-year appointment as track coach of the country of Panama. The position was considered an "exceptional" opportunity. 256 PATIENTLY awaiting the stort, Tim Geary and Dick Shenfeld ore a picture of the concentration needed for the mile run. TRACK TEAM. FIRST ROW: Tim Geary, John Ratliff, Rick Harris, Max Ne.· man, Rick Johnson , Don Blake, David Embry, SECOND ROW: Norman Ben· nett, Charles Kiser, John Buck. Jerry Evans. Mark Bales, Jim Duncan.