UNED up over the boll , Jim Henderson prepares to sink a short on the seventh green during on afternoon practice sess ion. the boll on the first hole, Hugh Galyean shows deep _:enl rati'on in coordinating body movements for a long drive. GOLF Golf team drops one position to seventh place behind Tech The golf team in 1969 dropped one notch from the previous yea r to seventh place behind a perenially strong Arkansas Tech. The team was paced by th e number one player, James Henderson,who was the medalist for the year. From 1964-t966 the golfers placed eighth but in the 1966-1967 season. they climbed to fifth. In 1968 tJ,ey finished sixth. Other team members were Roy Fuller, Dick Berryhill , Cody Bridges, Tom Snyder, John McGuire. and Tom Quattlebaum. The season for 1970 was brightened with the add ition of Charl es Anderson who was the league l eader at York College. Roger Ell iott, Mike H arris, Ri chard Fowler and Larry Frank w ill lend depth to the squad. Norman Merritt, who is in his first yea r as coach, feels that lively competition among members of the team will sign ificantly improve th eir performance. GOLF TEAM. FIRST ROW: Hugh Galyean. Charles Dye. Richard Fowler. Mike Harris. SECOND ROW: David Shaw. Jimmie Henderson, Larry Frank. Charles Anderson, Roger Elliott, Coach Norman Merritt. 255