12 David Treadwel l stretches to reach the bag before throw in a game aga inst Ouachita Bapt ist Un iversity . for the throw from third , Harding fi rst baseman Gary prepares to scoop a low bol l out of the di rt for the out. Harding 4 4 19 13 0 0 5 4 6 10 4 6 6 2 6 17 3 7 8 5 4 0 4 1969 RESULTS Opponent Little Rock University Little Rock University 0 Central Bible College 0 Centra! Bible College 2 State College of Arkansas 2 State College of Arkansas 5 Arkansas Tech 3 Henderson State 5 Henderson State Henderson State 5 Arkansas A & M Arkansas A & M 2 Southwestern College 3 Southwestern College 5 Southern State 0 Southern State 3 Southwestern College 5 Southwestern College Litt le Rock University 0 Little Rock University 0 State College of Arkansas 9 State College of Arkansas Ouachita Bapt ist 7 Ouachita Baptis t 2 Sta te College of Arkansas 5