1969-1970 Yearbook

fIj.CTIICE becomes a do ily habit for Doug Hamley and David Hudson as the Bisons prepare to defend their Ale team title. TEAM. FIRST ROW: Denny Reeve, Charles Webb, Chris Worsham. Hudson, Doug Hamley. SECOND ROW: Charles Burt, H. E. Johnmeyer, Parsons, Ed Back, Coach Ed Bu rt. BOWLING Bison kegglers roll to their fifth straight league championship The Bison bowlers captured their fifth straight Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference championship by defeating eight AIC teams. The most cru cial of these was Sta te College of Arkansas. Th is vic tory paved the way for the bowler s to the national tournament and a chance at a first after la st year's second pla ce fini sh. Their efforts were unsuccessful in winning the NAIA tourn py. althou gh they did ga in th e fourth spot. Doubles team, Charles Burt and Cha rles \ 'Vebb, paced the Harding keglers by tak ing second in the Kansas City competition . Leading th e team in tota l pins for the year and winning th e AIC ·singl es crown was Roy Smalling of Corpus Christi, Texas. Coach Ed Burt began hi s 1970 season with four returning l ettermen. With th e aid of five new men hi s team shoots for its sixth straightlcagl.le title. 249