1969-1970 Yearbook

BASKETBAll TEAM. FRONT ROW: Darrell Price. Charles Boaz, David Byrd, Doug Davenport. John Moss. Larry Rodenbeck, Jeff Spencer. Max Carpenter, Bill Chism. Wayne Means. Student Manager. BASKETBALL Season with unusual qualities places new coach at the lead The 1969- 70 basketball season was one of unusual qualities. There was not a returning starter to the team that began the year with a new coach. When Hugh Groover stepped up to the position of Athletic Director, Jess Eucy was chosen to assume the duties of head mentor of the round-bailers. Assisted by Ned Eoaz,Coach Eu·cy worked to mold a bunch of youngster s into a team that impressed a lot of people during the year. He began building his team with two sen iors, Larry Olsen and Danny Russell and a sophomore, Bill Chism, all of whom saw little action last year. To these he added a transfer from Ohio Valley Junior College, Dana Zartman, and a freshman, Joe Mathias. With this inexperienced crew he compiled a 10-14 record for the season. Charlie Boaz and Greg Franz came from the bench and pumped in several needed points during the season. This was a year of adjustment for the coaches and players who made up a squad that was capable of beating any ATC team, but lacked consistency on the score board. SMOTHERED by spring-legged opponents, Bill Chism goes up for a shot only to discover a 9001 covered with aggressive hands. 240 BACK ROW: Ned Boaz. Assistant Coach. Dana Zartman, Randy Ralston, Ken lair, Dave McNeill, larry Olsen, Joe Mathias, Greg Franz, Danny Russell Jess Bucy, Head Coach.