ml~FEIIRI~IG on the sidelines Coach Prock and Jerry Copeland the plays and strategy to be used against Ouachita. the bo ll with his arms, split end Ronnie Peacock another catch which ran ks him hiqh among Ale receive rs. FOOTBALL Winning becomes the maxIm as team builds strong record The winninp; season assembled by th e 1969 Bison football tea m surpri sed eve ryone exce pt th e me n \Vho w e re willing to work dili gen tl y on lwo-a-day a nd even some times three-a-da y pract ice sess ion s before the ~ first p;a me. Many loca l fa ns join er! Hardinp;'s student body in ha ck inp; th e Bi sons a nd th e swee t taste of victor y de l ip; hted enthu siast ic crowds cel ebra tin p; th e exc it inp; contes ts. Thi s su perior phys ica l prowess !c·d 10 wee ks of thrillill p; games fill ed with well execu ted plays. "Vhen All -AlC and All -Sta r ra tings \\' ere a n - nounced in th e Arka nsas Ilt..:'ws papcrs proof o f th e team 's ta lent was abund a n t. The NATA Di st. 17 " Coach of the Yea r " was Il ea d Coac h John Proc k. a descrving- h onor to one vvho had g-uid cd a lea rn pi cked for th e cellar to an im press ive 7-2-1 record . At th e clima x of the seaso n, til e Bi sons ra nker! 1'l th a mOllg colleges in the NATA . Picked for the All -Confe re nce tea m were qua rterba ck Jerry Copeland , offens ive Q,"ua rd Jerry Cook, ta ilba ck Charles Jon es, offem ive tac kl e Mike \~ra l · son , defensive end Curt is Booker a nd defen sive tac kl e Jim Duncan . Ii onora hl e m en li o n pi c ks w ere Ra ndy Delae l. Eugene Joh nso n, Dav id Treadwell. Da vid Reves, Mike " ' a lson . Honni e Peacoc k, John Mannin g-, Charles Ca ffey amill a rr)" Sta rn es. Seven Bi sons who h ad th e honor of play ing on the All - S lar team. whi c h de fealed ('ague c hampi on T fen - de rson 45 -6. w e re Ronni e Peacoc k. Vance Cox . Jerry Copeland, Ch a rles Caffey, Curt is Booke r. Jim Duncan and Da vid Trea dwell. Hopes for winnin g- the AIC cha m pionship li e wilh the re lurning o f 16 s ta rle rs for nex l year's nucleus. 237