FOOTBALL Bisons surprise student body by compiling winning season Winning became the weekly thing this year for the Bisons as they assembled their most impressive record of victories since their resuming intercollegiate football in 1959. Head coach John Prock's gridders, called by many writers "The Cinqerella Team" of the AlC. put together a string of seven wins and one tie before disaster struck once at Russellville against Tech and then once more at Conway against State College. Hopes of gaining the AlC crown in football were high on campus, but during 60 minutes of bruising action against the SCA Bears, the bulls fell from number one in the conference to number three behind Tech and Henderson. Comebacks were staged in both losses, but the clock was a factor in both contests. Along with the accurate arm of Jerry Copeland were three of the top receivers in the league: Ronnie P~acock, Harry Starnes and John Manning. Also potent in the offense running backs Charles Jones and Charles Caffey gained the hard gotten yardage on the ground. No less worthy of praise were the in terior lineman Ed Eason, Rick Brown, Jerry Cook and Mike Watson. The defense led by Captain Randy Delaet came up with the big game saving goal-line stands or the pass interception or the fumble to permit the offense to begin their drives. The defensive secondary composed of David Treadwell, Mike Conley, Dave Reves and Terry Brumley defended against many efforts of the opponents to score through the air . The men up front, the men who felt the physical contact of every play, Eugene Johnson, Mike Payne, Dean Kilmer, Ken Merritt, Randy Delaet, Bill Ivey, Jim Duncan and Curtis Booker stopped many runners after little gain. 234 1969 FOOTBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW: Gary Hunter, Bill Walts, Tom L, ,,,,, Emerson Brubaker, Randy Dutin, Jerry Copeland, Jeff Davies. Ken Merritt. David Berryhill, Buddy Allison. SECOND ROW: Randy Denham, Carl Bonds. Charles Caffey. Mike Watson, Randy Delaet (Capt.), John Man,nml. 1l1li Duncan , Terry Brumley, Tony Felker, Manager Grant Sandlin, Trainer LJ~ Slocum. THIRD ROW: Phil Bagley, Vance Cox, Rick Brown, Ed Eason, Dnid Treadwell, Dean Kilmer, David Thompson. Dale Payne, Eugene Joh n~ Gary Gregg. FOURTH ROW: Greg Pauley . Hugh Bean, JO,hn Greer, David lumpkin, Jerry Cook, larry James, Mike Conley, lee Daniel, Sieve HInds. Jim Akins, Bill Ivey. FIFTH ROW: Joe Coffman, Ronnie Peacock, Ha", Starnes, Mike Payne, David Dixon , Mike Musick, Curtis Booker, Charles Jones, David Reves, Mike Clem, John Richardson . SENIQR quarterback Jerry Copeland tries to spot an reo ceiver as he evades a would·be tackler in the OuachIta qame.