1969-1970 Yearbook

CHEERLEADERS. CLOCKWISE: Laura Shuffett, Beth Geer, Martina Prock, Cass Yingling, Susan Hankins, Kris West. Donna Miller, Kathy Nelson, Ellen pott,r. CHEERLEADERS Bisonettes help cheerleaders generate enthusiasm in fans Led by capta in Martina Prock, the Cheerleaders directed the capacity-fi lled stands of Alumni Field in cheering the Bisons to victory. Joining her for their first year as cheerleaders were Kathy Nelson. Kri s West, Laura Shuffett, Donna Miller and Beth Geer. Susan Hankins, Cass Yingling and Ellen Potter returned for their second year. Five-year-old Lori Bailey, daughter of sponsor Karyl Bai ley, was mascot and smallest member of the squad . Complemented by the Bisonettes, the cheerleaders equalized the. winning spirit exhibited by the football team. Well-planned pep rallies aroused enthusiasm and partICIpation among students bolstered the gridders' winning season. New cheers, imaginative skits and pos ters also aided in charac- , terizing the season as a ' single involvement of athletes and fans. 232 VERSATILE Donna Miller exhibits the excitement and enthusiasm that prevailed in the Bison games despite the agonizing finisn.