PRESIDENT Ganus spearheads campaign to increase Harding's facilities DR. CLIrrON L. GANUS, JR ., as president of Harding College, traveled throughout the United States during the year promoting Harding and directing a campaign fund for the continued expansion of present coll ege fac iliti es. Dedi cation of the Claud Roger s Lee Music Center and completion of the Art Center in the fall marked the end of another phase of the development program he bega n with hi s inaugurat ion in 1965. Even though h e was away often. hi s major concern was the operation of th e college . During the summer of 1969, Dr. Ganus helped to develop Seminars on America ni sm for Youth. which l ed him to speak ing assignments at 15 confer ences in 13 states to more than 3500 outstanding high school students. H e did find time in hi s hecti c schedule to win the Searcy H andball Tournament for the second year. In Sepl ember, President and Mrs. Ganus hosted a fa culty-s ta ff reception which heralded the beginning of a new year. THANKING Mrs. Dal e lee for her qenerous contr ibution, Dr. Ganus spoke at dedicat ion ceremonies of the music center. ANT ICIPATING a hit leading to another faculty victory over a student intramura l team, Dr. Ganus lets go a mighty swing. GREETING guests with a firm hand shake, Dr . Ganus heads the receiving line at the September reception held in his home . 21