1969-1970 Yearbook

~IA. TOP ROW: Walker (sponsor), Barriger, Bridges, Clayton. SECOND 1M: Cooper, Crain, Curtis, Dart. THIRD ROW: Freeman, Gingerich, Madden, PItrick. FOURTH ROW: Pee bles, Poteat, Schwenker, Sullivan, Wise. Club Queen Danette Key KOINONIA Trip to Koinonia Cave begins rigorous initiation for pledges A trip to the Koinonia Cave beg-an an evening- of rigorous initiation for lowly Koinonia pled~es. After being "branded" inductees were abandoned several miles outside Searcy and forced to walk back to campus. In November the club hosted a hamburger fry at Kiwanis Park. Following a hayride in the cold autumn air, the smell of frying hamburgers was welcomed by Koinonia's and their dates. Bringing honor to the club was queen Danette Key as she represented Koinonia in Ule Petit Jean court. A banquet at Conway's Ramada Inn, with entertainment provided by Randy. Jerry and Drew, climaxed second -semester activities. OFFICERS. John Curtis, Pres.; Darrell Patrick, Vice-Pres.; louis Watts, Sec.-Treas.; Dr. Richard Walker, Sponsar. READING from "Death of a Salesman," contestants Dart, Wise and Peebles, represent Koinonia in the Speech Arts Tourney. 201