GALAXY Bad weather fails to dampen club spirit at Galaxy banquet Dominating the softball competItIOn, Galaxy won both the A and B team championships. "Signs of the Times" greeted Galaxy members and the ir dates at a January banquet hosted by the Ramada Inn in Conway. A sudden change in the weather produced sleet and icy roads but was not able to affect the success of the evening. Club service projects included selling bread for the March of Dimes. A weiner roast after rough initiation ended a week of harassment for Galaxy pledges. GALAXY. TOP ROW: Roberson (sponsor), B. Al lison, M. Allison, Seher, Bench. Bennett, Blasingame, Bowman, Ra. Brewer, R. Brewer, Brown. SECOND ROW: Bullock, Byrd, Carr, Chism, Coates, Coleman, Conley. J. Copeland, R. Copeland, Devaney, Dixon. THIRD ROW: Drum. Dye, Eason, Egle, Felker, Franz. Gardner, Goff. Harris. Hedrick, Henderson, Herndon. FOURTH ROW: 198 Club Queen Stevie Green OFFICERS . Lynn Dixon, Pres.; Jerry Myhon, Vice-Pres.; Bob Kee, Sec.; Dennie Reeve, Treas.; Dr. Bryce Roberson, Sponsor. Hinton, Huffaker, Hughes, E. Johnson, J. Johnson, B. Kee, D. Kee, Kent. Langford. May, Mi l ler, Muncy. FIFTH ROW: Myhan, Newman, Olsen, Osborn, Palmer, Parker, Pharr, Pincluk, Pulley, Ralston, Reeve, Reves. SIXTH ROW: Robells, Sain, Shannon, Sills, Smelser, Smith, Tacker, Taylor, Treal, Walker, Whaley, Wheatley.