1969-1970 Yearbook

Club Queen Judy Fen ley SUBMISSIVE to the commands of his pledge ma ste rs , a Beta Phi pledge has his hand imme rsed into a myste rious substance. lETA PHI KAPPA. TOP ROW: PJ)'Or, Sewell, Wilson (sponsors), Al len, Athlnasiou, Austin, Bailey, Bradford, Burress. SECOND ROW: Clements. Coie, H. Davis, J. Davis. Joel Davis, J. Dempsey, T. Dempsey. Dockery, Dulle. THIRD ROW: Evans, Fields, Fortner, Fowler, Frost, Fugatt, Fuller, BET A PHI KAPPA Industrious Beta Phi members college sign fresh look . give T he H a rdin g College sign on Race Street received a new a ppear ance as a result of Beta Phi Kappa's project. Beta Phi 's pai n ted the faded l ettering to a id vis itors in loca tin g th e campus. In sports action Beta Phi too k second in both A and B sma ll club foo tba ll and third in soft ball. February Z8 was chosen as the da te for a formal banquet in Little Rock. Hos ted by Paul' s Lamplighter. th e event had as its them e "Some En - cha nted Evening." Pledge week found Beta Phi inductees try inr, to secure the signa ture of a nonexisten t student and try ing to dec ipher their pledging instructions. OFFICERS. Wayne Burress, Pres.; Mi ke Sad ler, Vice ·Pres.; Ha rry Fuller, Sec. ; Mike Pence, Tree s.; Dr. Ed Sewell, Dr. Neole Pryor, Murray Wilson, Sponsors. Hadley. Haynes. FOURTH ROW: Horton, Kilzy, King, leach, Miller, Pence, Rahrle, Reagan, Sadle r. FIFTH ROW: Shuffield, Smith , Thomas, Utley, Venable, Waller, Winget, Womack, Woods.