1969-1970 Yearbook

In an age of change and turmoil ambitions somefimes fade, nof because of an unsure foundation , but because of the weakness of the human spirit. When dreams turn fo vapor an example of consfant strength can inspire renewed vigor. Teaching a science class at his wife's kindergarten, directing the machinery which has built an oufsfanding intramural program, exhibiting a soft-spoken and felicitous manner, possessing the stamina to rise above fhe adversities of life which Fate has dealt him and sustaining an abiding love for mankind, one man sfands as an example to which we can look in moments of frustrtion. He holds steadfastly fo life and shows deep-roofed faifh in his fellow man. We fhe Senior Class respectfully dedicate the 1970 Petit Jean to Cecil M. Beck, because he instills in us the courage fo live and dream on. 17