1969-1970 Yearbook

SPECIAL INTERESTS International club hosts party, features favorite foreign foods Highlighting the social spectrum of the International Club was a party featuring foods from the members' native countries. The primary purpose for the club was to promote cooperation and understanding bctween American and foreign students. During a six-week course in basic photography, the Camera Club members learned to develop film and make prints. Enthusiastic support accompanied by banners and decorations at the football games was characteristic of the Bison Boosters. The activities of the Harding Business Women culminated in the annual Bosses' Night banquet in May. For a project mcmbers chose to continue helping Irene Johnson's children's camp in Germany. Sparking interest among outdoor enthusiasts, the Spelunkers travelled throughout Arkansas locating and exploring caves. INTERNATIONAL CLUB. FRONT ROW: lida , Horie, Emma Wan, Kramar, Sando. SECOND ROW: Eddy Wan, Cheng, Robinson, Hare , Massey, Hettinger. 180 " III . , I 411:.1 . "I ' ~ :" . ; CAMERA CLUB. FRONT ROW: Thweatt. McKinney. SECOND ROW: Johnson. Hiatt . THIRD ROW; Gaines, Harkey. Nwokeh. TH IRD ROW: Swaid, Weiss, Jahshan. Borge, Pinczuk.