1969-1970 Yearbook

STUDENT GOVERNMENT SA heads up drive to collect funds for new student center Attempting to create a lasting impression and to make a significant contr ibution to Harding College, the Studenl Association spearheaded a dri ve to collect $25,000 to assist in erecting a new student center. Upon complet ion. it will provide an ideal atmosphere in which students can escapc from the drudgeries of academ ics. Highlighting the year was the annual Christian College Conference. hosted by Pepperdine College. The delegation from Harding journeying to Los Angeles included four students plus the sponsor and dean of students. Discussions centered around the task of bridging gaps between students, adminis trations and communities. SA activities throughout the year included major renovations within th e Emerald Room. In addition to painting the room, rugs and add iti ona l furniture were installed. The ann ua l toy and dolly drive again brought happiness to children in more than 30 d iffercnt orphans' homes. SA COUNCIL. FRONT ROW: Smith, Carr, Holmquist. Holland. THIRD ROW: Watson, Wade, Cook. LICKING envelopes late ot night is just one part of serving t he Student Associa tion for sponsor and representatives alike 158