1968-1969 Yearbook

SENIORS Games students play occupy study time, concentration, skill GAMES from chess to tennis to cha rad es o ffer stud y-worn seniors time for relaxation and provide need ed ou tlets of release. BEVERLY KARR, Ft. Smith, Ark. Elementary Education. Transfer from Westark. Inlramurals Awards 1. JESS KEATHLEY, little Rock, Ark. History. Sub T·16 1,2.3.4: Intramurals 1,2; Intramural Awards 1, Football, Basketball , Baseball , Volleyball . SARA KEESEE, Wewo ka, Okla. Home Economics. Transfer from Oklahoma Christian College. MEA 2,3,4, Devotional Chairman 4; AHEA 2,3.4: SNEA 2.3,4; les Bonnes de Christe 2.3.4 . WILLIAM D. KEESLING, Brigham, Utah. Music Educat ion. Transfer from York College. SMENC 4; A CappelJa Chorus 3,4; Belles and Beaux 3; Campus Players 3.4 : Alpha Psi Omega 3,4 ; Ch i Sigma Alpha 3,4 . JAY DEE KELLER, Penalosa, Kan . Biology. Transfer from York College. European Club 3; SNEA 3,4; TNT 3,4 . JOHN KELLEY, Jerusalem, Ohio. Social Science . SNEA 3,4; Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3.4. SYlVIA KENNEDY, Atl anta, Tex. Biology. Transfer from Texarkana College. SNEA 3,4; Dactylology 2,3,4. JUDITH SUE KIBBE, Batesville. Ark. Elementary Education. SNEA. PATRICIA KIMBRO, SI. Peters, Mo. Speech Therapy. Alpha Psi Omega 3,4; Bison Boosters 3; Chorale 1; KHCA Radio Staff 4; Campus Players 1,2,3,4; WHC 3,4 . KATHLYN LEE KINGDON, Hitchcock, S. Oak. Music Education. Transfer from Oklahoma Christian College . SMENC 3,4; A Cappella Chorus 4; Omega Phi 3,4 . LOWElL R. KIRKBRIDE, Indianapolis, Ind. Accounting. Chorale I; Young Republicans 1; Pi Gamma Psi 3.4; Lambda Sigma 1,2,3.4, Vice ·Pres. 3, Pres. 4. ROBERT D. KNIGHT, Memphis, Tenn. Physical Education. Transfer from Northwest Junior College. Pemm Club 3.4; Galaxy 1,2.3,4; Football 3.4 . 93