1968-1969 Yearbook

SENIORS Melon party In fall enables seniors to renew friendships DIGGING into ;uicy, ripe watermelon and renewing old acquaintances initiate an active senior year for Darrell Chitty. ROBERT l. BELDEN, Franklin, Ind . Busi ness Administration. Dactylology 3; Ameri can Studies 3.4 ; Busi ness Team 3.4 ; TAG 4, Pres. 4; Int ramurals 3,4. BRUCE BENNETT, Bart lesville, Okla . Art. Mohican 1,2.3.4. Vice·Pres 3,4; Kappa Pi Nat ional Art Fraternity 4, Pres. 4; Inttamurals 1,2,3,4. BRENDA BENSON, South Bend, Ind . Sociology_ Tra nsfer f rom Freed-Hardeman Coll ege. l es Bonne de Christe 3; Behavioral Science Club 3,4, Sec.-Treas. 4. RICHARD ERWIN BERRYHi ll, Searcy, Ark. General Science. Sub T-16 1.2,3,4; Skipper 3; Golf 1,2,3,4; Bowling 1; Inttamu rals 1,2,3,4; Regi na Club Beau 2,3. SHIRLEY ANN BESS. McMinnville. Tenn. English. Transfer from FreedHardeman Coll ege. Northwest Mission Club 3; SNEA 3.4; Lati n American Club 3; Les Bonne de Christe 3,4; MEA. HARRI ET LOUISE BEnS, Park Ridge, III . Ph i Al ph. Thel. 3.4, Sec.·Tr.. ,. 4; SNEA 1.2,3,4; Bison Boosters 1; American Studies 2,3,4; WHC 2,3. VicePres. 3, Sec. 3, Devot ional Director 2. MAX C. BINGMAN, McConnelsvi lle. Oh io. Math. Transfer from Freed ·Hardeman College. SNEA 3; Bison Boosters 4; Chorale 3; Chi Sigma Alpha 3,4, Vice· Pres. 4. CHARLES T. BLACK. Dallas, Tex. General Science. Transfer f rom South - eastern Christ ian Co llege. Intramurals 1,2. JOHN BLACK, Dallas, Tex . English. Alpha Chi 4; Who's Who 3.4; SA 2; Afr ica n Club 1.2,3; A Ca ppella Chorus 1; Pi Kappa Delta 2,3,4 ; KHCA Radio Sta ff 3; Ph i Gamma Delta 1.2,3,4. NANCY BLACK, Tacoma , Wash. Psychology-Sociology. Transferred f rom Lubbock Christian College. American Studies 3,4; Zeta Rho 3,4. CECIL H. BOOTH, Bovina, Tex. Elementary Educat ion. SNEA 1,2.3,4 ; Cho rale 2; Koi nonia 1,2,3; Inl ramurals 1,2,3,4. RANDALL BOSTIC, N. Judson, Ind . Bible. Who's Who 4; Class President 3; Timothy Club 2,3,4; Chorale 2; Knights 3,4, Vice-Pres. 4; Intramura ls 2,3,4. 83